Are the days of spreadsheet analysis numbered?

Not so long ago, data analysis in most small and medium-sized companies was invariably done with spreadsheets. Sophisticated business intelligence systems were beyond affordable reach for most. Getting the information you needed, when you needed it, was an ongoing battle. And data was almost always historical, so you could only plan for tomorrow based on a picture of what happened yesterday.

These days, explosive growth in data – in terms of volume, variety of sources and the velocity at which it’s generated – means manual spreadsheet analysis can’t go far enough, fast enough. Decisions are often time-sensitive, and today’s accelerating pace of business allows little margin for error. With this in mind, recent innovations in analytics are making business insight accessible, real-time, predictive, visual, mobile, social and – crucially for growing businesses – affordable.

A visit to the dedicated Analytics Campus at this year’s SAPPHIRE NOW is the ideal place to start. There will be an influx of SAP experts will be on hand to show you how analytics can drive faster, better informed decision-making at every level of your business. Discover how, equipped with analytical tools designed for non-technical users, you can intuitively uncover trends, patterns, warnings, opportunities and inspiration within your data, to help you predict and adapt to changing conditions ahead of your competitors.

SAPPHIRE NOW is a great opportunity to find out more about the latest developments in analytics, get face-to-face advice from the experts, and swap experiences and best practices with your peers that you can bring back to create repeatable successes in your own business.

Find out more about this years SAPPHIRE NOW Madrid event in the video below:


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