How do you create a social business?

Social media marketing is not just for the marketing department, in fact many enterprise organisations are now noticing the real opportunities that effective social media can bring across a whole business. Continue reading

Social Media Strategy: Understanding your Audience

Before you engage with your audience you need to determine how active your customers are on social media and on which sites they participate on. Your current customers are key to helping you achieve your goals. Continue reading

Social Media Strategy: Define Your Target Audience

When planning your social media strategy it is important to define a target audience. Many users of social media platforms just want to market to “the public” but this definition is far too broad and vague.

Every business has a multitude of potential audiences that can be reached through social media – the difficult part is identifying who you REALLY want to reach. Continue reading

Measuring your Social Media strategy goals

The previous post of this blog series on establishing your Social Media Strategy focused on how to determine your goals and objectives – the question is…how do you measure the performance of your social media campaign?

This third part of this blog series will concentrate on how you can measure your work and how your campaigns can be deemed a success. Continue reading

What are your social media strategy goals and objectives?

Before you can determine which social media platforms you are going to use you should be clear on what your goals are and what you are looking to achieve through your activity. Keep it simple and targeted to a specific audience as this will help you measure the results when you have outlined your strategy. Continue reading

What affects your Social Media Strategy?

One of the main challenges for marketers setting out on their social media journey is defining a clear strategy that can fit with their business objectives. This series of short blog posts aims to help you define your social media goals, objectives and target audience to assist in building your social marketing strategy. Continue reading